Solution to Bubblegum

Bubblegum goes “pop”!
You can see the solution in this image. The clues are explained in the following video, after which are a few words about the theme.

This puzzle was a pangram. The highlighted negative space? Yeah, entirely planned, and not just a complete fluke. Honest. ^_^

A while back, I saw Helen tweet that she had a new LP coming out. I tweeted back that I’d always liked her stuff (ever since I first heard Mark & Lard play it in the 90s), but never got around to buying any (so many bands, such shallow pockets), so promised to buy the new LP. I did, and it was a cracker. I very soon picked up much of her back catalogue too, and with the sickening zealotry of the convert, have become a big fan of the band’s “bubblegum punk pop disco”. It has really helped to cheer me up during the utter shitshow of recent times.
THANKS HELEN! ❤️🎸🎤🎵🎯👏🤘💥🔥❤️
Treat yourself to a blast of Helen Love! (New LP coming soon, woo!)
(Support your favourite artists, folks – if those are musicians, bloody well use Bandcamp and not Shaftify!)

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  1. Pingback: Solution to Nos Da | TLMB

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