October 2020 Cryptic Solution

Formed a band, we formed a band” – Art Brut
Reformed a band, accidentally reformed a band (that I was never in)” – Me
The short version of the story: I used to go and see The Trudy play fairly often in the late 80s. Time passed, and in 2004, I ran into the singer at a party. Went home, had a nostalgic re-listen, and then searched the net for them. Found nothing. So I made a fan site. After a bit, the band decided to reform, and so I got to hear some great new music by them. Coo. And cool.
So, Continue reading

Cryptic Crossword October 2020

Here’s my October crossword for you. I’ll be impressed if anyone gets the theme. 🙂 This puzzle will be group-solved on Sunday by the #CrypticSunday crew on https://twitch.tv/crypticsunday , so tune in at noon (my puzzle will be the 2nd one solved) there if you want to watch or join in. Or just dive straight in yourself. Scroll down for an embedded browser-solvable version.
Answers/explainers will be posted next week. click for the rest