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Bristol 2006 - Time's Long March Bedward

IMGP3178  Early IMGP3181 Grate collapsing Hrung IMGP3185 Where'd he pluck those from? IMGP3186 Yarrrr, and all that
IMGP3187 Guardians of tha café tunnel IMGP3189 More flouncing! IMGP3191 Visible IMGP3193 Incognito
IMGP3194 Stealth IMGP3221 When will he ever learn? IMGP3224 Pitchers picture IMGP3226 Which one's the monkey?
IMGP3227 Here's one straight from the factory IMGP3228 Exclamation markers IMGP3231 Yeah, I can look vaguely Japanese IMGP3233 Chioking it around
IMGP3237 Gurn IMGP3238 Come on, Vogue! IMGP3239 Whip and follow? IMGP3243 Go ape?
IMGP3245 Pink, sunshine! IMGP3247 Hype her loop IMGP3248 Twisterella IMGP3250 Overactivity denied
IMGP3251 Mine! IMGP3253 Burn the watch-wearer! IMGP3255 The groundsman has prepared a good pitch, but the slope is possibly even greater than that of Lord's IMGP3259 Eyes off the ball
IMGP3262 Technique remembered IMGP3264 The Demon Beamer IMGP3265 Agricultural IMGP3267 Record numbers
IMGP3268 36 IMGP3269 35 IMGP3270 34 IMGP3271 33
IMGP3272 32 IMGP3273 31 IMGP3274 30 IMGP3275 29
IMGP3276 28 IMGP3277 27 IMGP3278 26 IMGP3279 25
IMGP3280 24 IMGP3281 23 IMGP3282 22 IMGP3283 21
IMGP3284 20 IMGP3285 19 IMGP3286 18 IMGP3287 17
IMGP3288 16 IMGP3289 15 IMGP3290 14 IMGP3291 13
IMGP3292 12 IMGP3293 11 IMGP3294 10 IMGP3295 9
IMGP3296 8 IMGP3297 7 IMGP3298 6 IMGP3299 5
IMGP3300 4 IMGP3301 3 IMGP3302 2 IMGP3303 1!
IMGP3304 Curse you, God, for making me this way! IMGP3308 That's some strong hairspray, kiddo IMGP3311 Semaphore diaster IMGP3316 Setting
IMGP3319 Abandoned IMGP3323 Orange people IMGP3331 T in the park? IMGP3332 Stress
IMGP3333 Crushed by the wheels of industry IMGP3334 This so called life IMGP3338 Angry stick man IMGP3339 And now, children, we're all going to pretend to be trees
IMGP3342 Incoming! IMGP3343 Butterfly detaches her wings IMGP3346 Tina teeters IMGP3347 Sentry box
IMGP3348 Lunge IMGP3349 Gamers IMGP3351 Shush! Can't you see I'm grazing? IMGP3352 Shadows are falling, and I've been here all day
IMGP3354 Lined up in line IMGP3355 Long distance information, give me Bristol, Tennessee IMGP3357 Picnic IMGP3360 Ticklish?
IMGP3361 Sensitivity IMGP3362 Release the ferret! IMGP3364 Shake your moneymaker IMGP3365 Armed
IMGP3367 I have the ball- er- in the air! IMGP3368 What on *earth* are they up to? IMGP3373 Little Miss Muffet IMGP3375 Watching grass grow
IMGP3376 Sunday afternoon IMGP3377 Time is drifting away IMPG3369 Twinkle toes

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