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Barton Broad - To Leeward, Monte's Boat

DSC00059 Swallows and Amazons forever! DSC00060 'My view' DSC00061 Melissa IMGP3121 Aching personified
IMGP3123 Diver diverted IMGP3125 Sublimation IMGP3126 Messing about in boats IMGP3127 It's not a Cormorant, it's not a Shag, it's only something in a plastic bag
IMGP3129 My nought to your one and four means nothing at all IMGP3133 Tern on a tipped horizon IMGP3136 Terns and tourists IMGP3137 Bread alone
IMGP3140 New shoes and a duster IMGP3145 Slipstreaming IMGP3149 Guilty in their grove IMGP3154 Melted glass
IMGP3155 Turquoise vivified

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