Solution to Pig’s In…

A few years ago I joined in on a hashtag joke on Twitter.
(You had to be there.) Someone followed me because of it, and I followed back ‘cos they seemed interesting. I even ended up buying her book. Earlier this year, I was wondering what to theme my next crossword on, and that book was next to me at the time, so… why not? My original intention was to put lots of theme words into the grid, and I’d worry about how to clue histone, methylation or codon later. It ended up being a struggle to build a nice grid though, so instead I decided to add the author as a nina. The grid-building quickly threw up an X and a Q, so then I wondered if I could make it a pangram too. After a little fighting to squeeze a J into the SW corner… job done.

Here is an image of the complete solution, with some highlighting, but if you want the full explanations of the clues, watch the following video:

RTs, follows, shares, etc all quite welcome. Cheers all!

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